Tag Archives: meditation

Marvelous, Magnificent Mountain Magick for One And All

So, I just returned from Northern Alberta.   It was a five-day vacation, mostly centred on hiking and exploring the natural beauty of the Canadian Rockies.  There is a different energy to the nature and majesty of mountains and their surrounding environment.   It is something almost palpable.  The energy and joy the mountains provide is not… Read more »

Qigong: A Further Exploration

Relax Relaxation is the priority and prime focus of all Taoist Exercise  and Martial Arts, including Qigong.  Relaxation is induced through deep breathing, awareness of and release of tension, awareness of breath, and mindfulness.  Breathing in the practice of qigong is a deep diaphragmatic breathing with an expansion of the abdomen on the in-breath, and… Read more »

How to create a Mastermind Group you have access to at any time.

Lately I’ve been reminded me of certain meditative techniques.  One of these techniques is the Council of Elders, the other is Quantum Jumping, and the last one is a meditative practice that combines elements of both that I found in a book by Serge Kahili King entitled “Urban Shaman”. The first is a technique referenced… Read more »